




"After several days of continued observations, scientists continue to work to determine and to understand the fate of Comet ISON: There's no doubt that the comet shrank in size considerably as it rounded the sun and there's no doubt that something made it out on the other side to shoot back into space. The question remains as to whether the bright spot seen moving away from the sun was simply debris, or whether a small nucleus of the original ball of ice was still there. Regardless, it is likely that it is now only dust."


"Comet ISON, which began its journey from the Oort Cloud some 3 million years ago, made its closest approach to the sun on Nov. 28, 2013. The comet was visible in instruments on NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, and the joint European Space Agency/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO, via images called coronagraphs. Coronagraphs block out the sun and a considerable distance around it, in order to better observe the dim structures in the sun's atmosphere, the corona. As such, there was a period of several hours when the comet was obscured in these images, blocked from view along with the sun. During this period of time, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory could not see the comet, leading many scientists to surmise that the comet had disintegrated completely. However, something did reappear in SOHO and STEREO coronagraphs some time later - though it was significantly less bright."


"Whether that spot of light was merely a cloud of dust that once was a comet, or if it still had a nucleus - a small ball of its original, icy material - intact, is still unclear. It seems likely that as of Dec. 1, there was no nucleus left. By monitoring its changes in brightness over time, scientists can estimate whether there's a nucleus or not, but our best chance at knowing for sure will be if the Hubble Space Telescope makes observations later in December 2013."

"あの光点は、かつて彗星だった塵の雲だったのでしょうか、それともまだ核(小さなボール状の氷状の物体)のある彗星だったのでしょうか? それはまだ明確ではありません。少なくとも、12月1日時点では核は消失していた物と判断されます。観測されている光点の輝度の変遷から核について科学者たちが推定することはできますが、ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡の解析を待つ必要があります。それは2013年12月中に行われるでしょう。"

国立天文台12月2日 アイソン彗星についての続報










"ISON appears as a white smear heading up and away from the sun. ISON was not visible during its closest approach to the sun, so many scientists thought it had disintegrated, but images like this one from the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory suggest that a small nucleus may be intact."

"ISONの白い点が、太陽を現す白い円の上部に現れました。ISONは太陽に最接近時には表示されませんでしたので、多くの科学者は、それが彗星の崩壊を現すものと解釈したが、ESA / NASAの太陽と太陽圏観測所からこのような画像は、彗星の小さな核が無傷であることを示唆している。"



11/30 2:10追記:


"The question remains whether it is merely debris from the comet, or if some portion of the comet's nucleus survived, but late-night analysis from scientists with NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign suggest that there is at least a small nucleus intact."



